Especialistas de Caricom visitarán Cuba para fortalecer el vínculo en materia de ciencia y tecnología


CARICOM science delegation heads to Cuba

A Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Science, Technology and Innovation Committee (CSTIC) team will visit Cuba from September 14-17, 2015, to explore collaboration and cooperation in the field of science and technology.

Professor Emeritus Harold Ramkissoon, chair of CARISCIENCE, will head the delegation.

This visit has been facilitated by Guillermo Vazquez Moreno, the Cuban ambassador to Trinidad and Tobago.

The delegation is expected, inter alia, to have meetings with the officials of the ministry of science and technology and innovation, the ministry of agriculture and the Cuban Academy of Sciences and visit international well-known science centres, such as the Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology and the Centre for Molecular Immunology.

Ramkissoon is a foreign member of the Cuban Academy of Science and the recipient of the Key to the City of Havana for his contribution to the development of science and technology in the wider Caribbean.

Caribbean News Now

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