Haití: Gobierno firma acuerdo con la OEA para que fiscalice las elecciones de agosto y octubre


Haiti – Elections : Signature of an agreement with the OAS for Electoral Observation

The Organization of American States (OAS) will send an Electoral Observation Mission to the presidential, legislative, municipal and local elections to be held in Haiti in 2015, according to the agreement signed Tuesday by the Secretary General of the OAS, Luis Almagro, and the Minister of Foreign Relations of Haiti, Lener Renauld.

Secretary General Almagro said that, despite the difficulties, the setting of the dates for the elections «is a show of the democratic vocation of Haiti that serves to impel us to work closely to offer the maximum guarantees at the counting of votes, something that lies at the very essence of democracy.»

For his part, Foreign Minister Renauld said the signing of the agreement is an expression of the will of the President of his country, Michel Martelly, to accompany the work of the Provisional Electoral Council, the body charged with carrying out the elections. «I wish to recall that the government of Haiti accompanies the Council, but does not intervene in its work. Therefore, the signing of this agreement shows the will of the President not to intervene in its labors.»

Recall that the first round of legislative elections will take place August 9, and the first round of presidential and municipal and local elections will take place on October 25. The second round of the presidential election will be held on December 27 if necessary.

Haití Libre

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