Santa Lucía: Gobierno presenta proyecto de ley para la promoción de energías renovables


New legislation to liberalise St Lucia energy market

A new Electricity Supply Services Bill and accompanying Regulations in Saint Lucia will allow the generation of electricity from renewable sources.

During the annual throne speech last week, Governor General Dame Pearlette Louisy said that the government aims to continue to promote the use of renewable energy.

“As we actively pursue investments in solar, wind, geothermal and waste to energy alternatives, government will introduce a new Electricity Supply Services Bill and accompanying Regulations which will allow for the generation of electricity from renewable sources by independent power producers – whether they are utility-scale producers or micro generators,” she said.

Additionally, government plans to introduce legislation to establish an independent regulatory commission for the water and electricity sectors.

“This will allow for liberalised and non-discriminatory entry into the utility supply services sector, and enable a robust competitive environment in which there is fairness, transparency and accountability. This process is well underway and will be introduced as the National Utilities Regulatory Commission Bill,” Louisy said.

According to the governor general, the Water and Sewerage Authority Act will also be amended to allow the new regulatory commission to replace the Water and Sewerage Commission as the regulator for the water sector.

Caribbean News Now

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