Destacan avances en la primera reunión del país con Petrocaribe


The first technical working group held between Venezuela and Saint Lucia with a view to commencing the activation of the energy cooperation scheme between both countries, within the framework of the Petrocaribe integration initiative, ended with positive results.

The teams executed a busy work agenda on Tuesday 30th and Wednesday 31st July 2013, at the offices of the Ministry of Public Service, Sustainable Development, Energy, Science and Technology, located in the city of Castries. The Venezuelan delegation was led by the Managing Director of PDVCaribe S.A., Engineer Luis Rivas, whilst the Saint Lucian delegation was headed by the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of the Public Service, Sustainable Development, Energy, Science and Technology, Sylvester Clauzel.

During the two days, they addressed various topics regarding clarifying and optimising the mechanism that leads to the concretion of the definitive energy supply agreement for Saint Lucia and the revision of the necessary roadmap to attain the proposed objective for both governments

This technical working group is only the beginning in a series of necessary meetings and exchanges that must continue between the technical and political teams of each country, with a view to facilitating the mechanism that will make it possible for Saint Lucia to begin reaping the benefits of this Caribbean regional integration scheme, bolstered and created by the Supreme Commander of the Bolivarian Revolution, Hugo Chávez, and now reaffirmed by President NicolásMaduro, in the shortest possible time.This work meeting was held at the same time as the XII Summit of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA) in the city of Guayaquil, in which the formalisation of Saint Lucia’s accession as a full member of that regional integration bloc, and where too the constitution of a very high level commission and direct representatives of the Heads of Government was also agreed upon, to prepare a proposal for the creation of a Complementary Economic Zone amongst the countries of ALBA, Mercosur and Petrocaribe; in favour of complementarity and solidarity as guidelines for economic integration, before competition amongst our countries, as the only way to strengthen the material foundation of the alternative project that ALBA represents and, in this way, ensure the continuity and the reinforcing of the successful social programmes that characterise the Alliance

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