Celebran el 52° aniversario de la independencia de Gran Bretaña



Jamaica celebrates 52 years of independence from Britain

KINGSTON, Jamaica, Wednesday August 6, 2014, CMC – Jamaica is celebrating its 52nd anniversary of political independence from Britain on Wednesday with the traditional pomp and ceremony, including a military parade and pronouncements by political leaders.

Governor General Sir Patrick Allen said despite challenges Jamaicans continue to show an indomitable spirit.

“People often speak of the resilience and the indomitable spirit of Jamaicans and we see that demonstrated time and again in our response to natural disasters and personal tragedies, our agricultural sector, which thanks to our courageous farmers, always strives to bounce back after being ravaged by disasters,” he said in his message.

Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller urged Jamaicans to unite for a common purpose, saying the phrase “This is Jamaica, my Jamaica” should serve as an impetus to deal with the issues facing the country.

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“We must make the necessary sacrifices. The issues we face are national and broad-based. Because this is our Jamaica each Jamaican must own and contribute to mitigating them,” she said, urging nationals to maximize productivity and efficiency as this is the only way the country’s socio-economic future would be maintained.

In his message, Opposition Leader Andrew Holness called on the “post independence generations of Jamaicans” to start the next phase of development here.

“We must craft a vision for the next 50 years of Jamaican statehood. The youth of Jamaica must become more vocal and active defining the future they would want to see for Jamaica.

“Those who prefer to criticize project Jamaica from their verandas, I urge you to rise up and among other actions walk to the polling stations instead. The post independence leaders must now emerge and take charge of piloting future and rekindling the hope and optimism about Jamaica,” he said.

The independence celebrations will continue later on Wednesday with the Grand Gala at the National Stadium which the Ministry of Youth and Culture said will feature more than 2,500 performers.

“This year, the Grand Gala will be an awe-inspiring celebration of Jamaica’s global impact through the Cultural and Creative Industries,” said Youth and Culture Minister Lisa Hanna.

Mass group formations, recognition of cultural stalwarts and a showcase of the best performing and entertainment artistes will highlight the programme.

Meantime, the United States says it remains committed to strengthening its partnership with Jamaica.

US Secretary of State John Kerry said Washington was looking “forward to an enduring friendship” with Jamaica.

Kerry said the United States and Jamaica share “an important and thriving partnership through our mutual commitment to strong democratic governance,” noting also the collaboration in the areas of climate change, health, security and trade.

“Our mutual efforts through the Climate Adaptation Plan, the Caribbean Basin Security Initiative (CBSI) and the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief have made a lasting mark on the region,” Kerry said, also “applauding Jamaica’s “recent efforts to pass the Disabilities Act, which ensures equal rights for people with physical, mental and intellectual disabilities”.

At least 189 nationals will receive national awards at a separate ceremony in October.

Among them is former government minister, KD Knight, who will receive the country’s fourth highest honour – the Order of Jamaica (OJ).

The OJ will also be awarded to Bishop Charles Henry Dufour, for distinguished contribution to religion and community development; Professor Joseph Frederick, for distinguished service to the Faculty of Medical Sciences at the University of the West Indies and Glen Mills for his contribution to track and filed through coaching Jamaican athletes.

Four senior journalists will receive the Order of Distinction for outstanding and invaluable contribution to journalism in Jamaica. They are Wyvolyn Gager, Franklin McKnight, Owen James, and Desmond Allen.




Independence Day Message from Prime Minister the Most Hon. Portia Simpson Miller


My fellow Jamaicans at home and in the Diaspora, I greet you on this the 52nd Anniversary of our Independence.

Fifty-two years since our flag was first hoisted; fifty-two years since we assumed full responsibility for our national affairs.

Fifty-two years since that hopeful and expectant generation passed on to us the vibrancy of a dream of a new Jamaica: a Jamaica of equal opportunity for all; a Jamaica where justice would roll down like a river, and a Jamaica for which all of us could be proud.

A Jamaica in which all of us could truly say, “This is Jamaica, my Jamaica”. A true ownership society. A Jamaica in which all of us would have a sense of place and belonging, not just a place of abode.

Founding Father Rt. Excellent Norman Manley put it well in speaking of his vision of this new Jamaica:

“All efforts will be wasted unless the masses are steadily taken along a path in which they will feel more and more that this place is their home, that it is their destiny. They will then do more for it— work more, more effort, more thinking, more sacrifice, more discipline and more honesty…

There is a tremendous difference between living in a place and belonging to it and feeling that your own life and destiny is bound up in the life and destiny of that place.”

What profound words! How deeply relevant to the theme of our Independence celebrations this year: “This is Jamaica, my Jamaica”.

It is only when we truly internalize the view that “this is Jamaica, my Jamaica” that we can give our all to this rock.

 We have to unite for a common purpose.

 We must have a sense that we are, indeed, stakeholders.

 We have to take responsibility and be accountable for our actions.

This is true sovereignty and independence.

“This is Jamaica, my Jamaica” means that in the face of our most severe drought in recent memory, we must take personal responsibility for conserving water.

We must make the necessary sacrifices. The issues we face are national and broad-based. Because this is our Jamaica each Jamaican must own and contribute to mitigating them.

A sense of personal responsibility and ownership captured by our independence theme, “This is Jamaica, my Jamaica” means that we take responsibility for our communities and help to keep them safe.

Personal responsibility means that we look out for our neighbour and our neighbour’s children; that we protect the weak and vulnerable in our communities and take care of the elderly, the disabled, the sick and the lonely.

The work that lies ahead, in staying the course with our economic programme that will lead us toward economic independence, will require not only personal responsibility but engaging human will.

When I speak of ‘human will’ I speak of our will as a people to believe we can achieve and exceed the targets we set.

 It was the will of the enslaved people to be free that brought Emancipation.

 It is human will that caused our heroes and heroines to do that which was necessary to build our nation.

 It was the will of the people that ignited the passion for political Independence.

 It is human will that drives all movements for excellence, justice, respect, equality and liberty.

 It was a common mission and the will of the people that brought people together to strive for political liberty and self-government.

 Human will causes our sportsmen and women to excel, our innovators to innovate and our creators to create! I pause to recognize our sportsmen and women and commend those who represented Jamaica at the Commonwealth Games for excellent performances.

 It is human will that keeps us going, that explains resilience and prevents us from giving up and giving in as we make the necessary sacrifices.

 It is our will, our human will, to create a better Jamaica for all Jamaicans that will push our efforts forward, onward and upward to the success of Jamaica, our Jamaica.

The theme, “This is Jamaica, my Jamaica” impels us to have the will and responsibility to give a fair day’s work for a fair day’s pay and to maximize our productivity and efficiency.

This is the only way Jamaica will be strong economically and increase our exports and foreign exchange earnings.

Our fiscal prudence, our judicious management of our economy as well as the reduction in our debt and current account deficits, is a demonstration of our taking our affairs into our hands. We can’t be bystanders in the building of this Jamaica. We are all stakeholders. This is our Jamaica.

It was the indomitable spirit of nationalism which gripped that generation which bequeathed to us our Independence in 1962. That generation believed passionately that we as a people had greatness inscribed in us.

That generation believed the future favoured us. It was a future that was being built steadily since the post Emancipation period, leading up to 1938 and the birth of the modern labour movement, and then the thrust toward self-Government.

Our ancestors were visionaries, men and women who lived and breathed hope and optimism.

The Rt. Excellent Sir Alexander Bustamante believed in Jamaica and spent his entire life working for a brighter future for his fellow Jamaicans. He said, “Independence means the opportunity for us to frame our own destiny and the need to rely on ourselves in doing so”.

Former Governor General Sir Howard Cooke, a stalwart of that generation which led the struggle for Independence, was a relentless and tireless believer in the greatness of the Jamaican people.

Today we need to recapture that pioneering spirit, that sprit of adventure in building a Jamaica our children can be proud of, a Jamaica of righteousness and justice for all.

We must believe we can do it.

Norman Manley put it memorably:

“If we never desert our own principles; if we believe in what we are aiming at, if we appreciate those who regard this country as their home… if we can do those things and be true to what we believe in and if we can combine this with hard work and practical intelligence, then I believe… we will make… this country a real place to say that ‘we come from Jamaica”.

“This is Jamaica, my Jamaica” means that we take responsibility for our families and our children and that we instil in them proper values and attitudes. It means:

 We become our brother and sister’s keeper, always looking out for their good

 That we become active citizens, deepening our democracy

 That we volunteer in our communities, civic groups, churches and civil society groups

 That we always cherish hope, optimism and love.

Our Independence was hard fought though no blood was shed. But people gave their lives for it. Let us not squander it.

We must stand together as one nation when the wells go dry, when the fires rage and the tempests roll. We must stand together in the knowledge that the difficulties we face are part of our historical struggle to build our nation.

We have endured struggle and sacrifice in different forms in this our journey to growth and development. It is because we are free, independent people that we have an opportunity to work together to turn the corner.

We must pull together, facing our challenges as one people – for a common cause – because – ‘This is Jamaica, my Jamaica’ – your Jamaica – our Jamaica – land we love.

I am reminded of that wonderful poem Litany written by George Campbell to capture the spirit of the independence movement:

“I hold the splendid daylight in my hands

Inwardly grateful for a lovely day

Thank you life

Daylight like a fine fan spread from my hands

Daylight like scarlet poinsettia

Daylight like yellow cassia flowers

Daylight like clean water

Daylight like cacti

Daylight like sea sparkling with white horses

Daylight like sustained blue sky

Daylight like tropic hills

Daylight like a sacrament in my hands”

Let us walk into the daylight of a brighter tomorrow.

This is Jamaica, my Jamaica”, land we love.

I thank you



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