Gobiernos del Caribe realizan reunión extraordinaria para coordinar acciones frente al coronavirus


Países del Caribe buscan respuesta regional contra la Covid-19

Las naciones de la Asociación de Estados del Caribe (AEC) celebraron una reunión extraordinaria a través de videoconferencia para hallar respuestas conjuntas en el enfrentamiento a la pandemia de la Covid-19.

De acuerdo con cifras recientes, en la región se registran alrededor de 700 casos confirmados y 11 muertes.

Más de 33 países, territorios y organizaciones regionales participaron en la Primera Reunión Extraordinaria de Ministros de Asuntos Exteriores y Salud de la AEC.

La secretaria general del organismo, June Soomer, señaló que una respuesta regional a la Covid-19 debe incluir estrategias para pruebas, atención, comunicación, coordinación de suministros, seguridad alimentaria, inmigración y aduanas, educación, mapeo, sistemas de trabajo remoto y el impacto psicológico del virus y cuarentena.

Por su parte, el ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Cuba, Bruno Rodríguez, expresó que la realidad requiere anteponer la voluntad de actuar y la solidaridad, a la inacción y al egoísmo.

La humanidad demanda una solución efectiva. Juntos podemos lograrlo, añadió en su intervención en la cita, que sesiona desde Barbados.

Los países caribeños deberán enfrentar también devastadores y perdurables efectos en el ámbito económico y social una vez superada la pandemia, agregó.

‘Estamos aquí porque enfrentamos una crisis que nos supera a todos y cuyas consecuencias serán graves y perdurables’, manifestó.

Brigadas de médicos y trabajadores de la Salud de Cuba han viajado a Jamaica, Granada, Surinam, Venezuela, Nicaragua e Italia para apoyar en el combate a la pandemia provocada por el coronavirus SARS-Cov-2, que ha dejado más de 14 mil 600 muertos y contagiados en 190 países.

Por otra parte, el primer ministro de la Mancomunidad de Dominica, Roosevelt Skerrit, agradeció hoy a Cuba por la asistencia médica frente a la pandemia de la Covid-19.

En su cuenta de Facebook anunció la próxima llegada a su país de una brigada médica cubana para combatir el nuevo coronavirus. ‘Quiero extender mi sincero agradecimiento al Gobierno y al Pueblo de la República de Cuba, por mostrar una vez más la solidaridad con nuestro país. Siempre he dicho que sabes quiénes son tus amigos en tiempos de problemas’, escribió el gobernante.

Los nuevos colaboradores de la mayor de las Antillas se unirán a los integrantes de la misión sanitaria que presta servicios al pueblo de Dominica.

Prensa Latina

ACS Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Health to coordinate COVD-19 responses as a Region

The Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Ministers of Health from thirty-three countries, territories and regional organisations in the Association of Caribbean States (ACS), today agreed to coordinate their COVID-19 responses and to set up a meeting of technical experts, to conceptualise a joint regional response and strategies in tackling the deadly pandemic.

A release issued by the ACS reports that the Ministers, Chief Medical Officers and other functionaries of countries of the Greater Caribbean shared their national responses and concerns in the First Extraordinary Meeting of ACS Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Ministers of Health on COVID-19.

The meeting was hosted virtually by the ACS Secretariat in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago.

Ministers expressed solidarity and wishes of a speedy recovery to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Dominican Republic, Miguel Vargas, who tested positive for the virus this week.

Chair of the Ministerial Council of Barbados Dr. Jerome X. Walcott noted:

“Since the beginning of the year, the world has been focused on coronavirus… in this region it has been spreading and all countries and territories of the region have been affected in various ways. This was a very important meeting in the interest of all Caribbean states that relates to how we deal collectively and collaboratively in addressing the public scourge of COVID-19.”

ACS Secretary General Dr. June Soomer posited that information-sharing must be the first step.

“We have heard how different regions are doing different things and how they are doing similar things. Best practices must be shared,” she stated.

The ACS Secretary General called for the regional organisations such as ACS, CARICOM and ECLAC to be at the table together in all discussions. She recommended that any regional response to this new strain of coronavirus must include strategies for testing, care, communication, coordinating supplies, food security, immigration and customs, education, geo-mapping, remote work systems and the psychological impact of the virus and quarantine.

Cuban Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bruno Rodriguez, who spoke to the internal progress made by his country and the human resources and technical support provided globally, recommended that a technical discussion be the follow-up to the Meeting of Ministers. He indicated:

“Despite this difficult situation, Cuba can modestly offer some cooperation… We cannot underestimate the value of joint efforts.”

Cuba also suggests inviting other countries of the hemisphere, including the United States and Canada, which may be willing to participate in the interest of expanding coordination and exchange.  The Cuban Foreign Minister also stressed that the region will have to carefully consider the ways to face the economic, commercial and the consequent social impacts on all of our countries, especially on vulnerable groups.

Noting that COVID-19 is no respecter of persons, Executive Director of the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA), Dr. Joy St. John, urged the Region to focus on “governance in this global crisis”. She stressed that there is no known treatment for the virus.

The ACS Secretariat will announce the details of the technical meeting in the coming days.

Countries participating in the virtual meeting included: Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad & Tobago, Venezuela, Aruba, British Virgin Islands, France, Guadeloupe, The Kingdom of the Netherlands, Martinique, Sint Maarten, CARICOM, ECLAC, SELA, CARPHA and PAHO.

The Guardian


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