Líderes de Caricom reciben a Mike Pompeo en Jamaica


Caricom rechaza intento de EE.UU. de dividir el Caribe

La Comunidad del Caribe (Caricom) rechazó este lunes los intentos de Estados Unidos de dividir la región.

La primera ministra de Barbados y presidenta de Caricom, Mia Mottley, criticó el encuentro que sostendrá el secretario de Estados de Estados Unidos con dirigentes en Jamaica este martes.

«Como presidente de Caricom es imposible para mí estar de acuerdo en que mi canciller deba asistir a una reunión con alguien a quien y que los miembros de Caricom no estén invitados», aseveró durante un acto por el centenario del nacimiento del difunto primer ministro de Barbados Errol W. Barrow.

El funcionario estadounidense se reunirá con el primer ministro de Jamaica, Andrew Holnnes, y se espera que ofrezca un discurso sobre la importancia de las relaciones del Caribe con Estados Unidos.

«Es un intento de dividir la región», sentenció la presidenta de Caricom, sobre el encuentro del funcionario estadounidense que se da luego de que los gobernantes de Santa Lucía, Bahamas y Haití visitaran Miami para reunirse con el presidente Donald Trump el año pasado.

Por su parte, el ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Cuba, Bruno Rodríguez, destacó la importancia de la Cumbre de Caricom que se realizará en La Habana en diciembre próximo.


Pompeo arrives today

UNITED States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo arrives in Jamaica this evening amid mounting speculation around the reasons for his visit and clear signs of a rift in the Caribbean Community (Caricom) over the planned discussions in Kingston.

Pompeo is expected to be met by government officials led by Minister of Foreign Affairs Kamina Johnson Smith when he lands at the Norman Manley International Airport shortly after six this evening.

Tomorrow the US secretary of state is slated to attend several meetings including bilateral talks with Prime Minister Andrew Holness at Jamaica House, a sit-down with regional officials and a policy discussion presentation in New Kingston.

No agenda has been released for the series of talks, but it is expected that Pompeo will use his trip to consolidate regional support for the US stance on Venezuela – it does not recognise the Government of President Nicolás Maduro – and to seek votes for the re-election of Luis Almagro as general secretary of the Organization of American States (OAS) in the election set for March 20.

Holness is expected to add to the agenda the recent decision of the US State Department to cancel the visitors’ visas of several Jamaicans, including Cabinet Minister Daryl Vaz.

Sources say Holness will also initiate discussions with Pompeo on further support from the US to disrupt the flow of illegal guns into the island.

Last Friday, at a meeting of the OAS, Pompeo said he was looking forward to meeting with leaders from across Caricom during his visit to Jamaica.

Jamaica Observer


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