Caricom destaca que la ayuda de Cuba “es un ejemplo brillante de la cooperación”


 La primera ministra de Trinidad y Tobago y presidenta de turno de la CARICOM -Comunidad del Caribe-, Kamla Persad Bissessar, destacó la importante asistencia técnica proporcionada por Cuba para el desarrollo de los países de la región.

Las palabras de la titular de la CARICOM coinciden con los 41 años del comienzo de relaciones diplomáticas entre Cuba y la organización caribeña.

La jefa de gobierno trinitario agradeció la generosidad mostrada por Cuba durante esas décadas en áreas como educación, salud, agricultura y deportes, ayuda impagable que contribuyó al desarrollo humano de los países de la Comunidad del Caribe.

Kamla Persad Bissessar señaló a Cuba como el principal país proveedor de apoyo al desarrollo de la CARICOM en el ámbito internacional, a pesar de los obstáculos del bloqueo impuesto por Estados Unidos contra el pueblo cubano desde hace más de cinco décadas.

Technical cooperation and assistance from Cuba to CARICOM a shining example of South-South cooperation 

The strong technical cooperation and assistance provided by Cuba to Member States of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) is a shining example of South-South cooperationThat was one of the key points in a statement by Chair of the Conference of Heads of Government of CARICOM and Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago Honourable Kamla Persad-BissessarThe statement was made in commemoration of the forty-first anniversary of CARICOM-Cuba diplomatic relations.

In her statement, Ms. Persad-Bissessar said continued commitment and generosity of Cuba’s technical assistance in the fields of education, health, sport, agriculture, and culture, aimed at developing CARICOM’s human resources, were priceless and profoundly appreciated.
She stated further that among the Community’s external partners, Cuba is by far the largest contributor to human capacity building.
“I must underline that the provision of this technical assistance takes place despite the severe constraints placed on Cuba’s own social and economic development by the US economic, commercial and financial embargo including accompanying extraterritorial measures” she said. She also expressed that CARICOM States and the overwhelming majority of the international community continued to condemn those actions by the United States.

Continuing she iterated that Cuba was an important regional and hemispheric partner and key actor in the hemispheric arena. She said Cuba’s Presidency of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) for the period 2013 which will culminate with a Summit in Havana in early 2014 is evidence of the significant diplomatic role based on solidarity that Cuba plays within the Americas.

“I take this opportunity on behalf of the Governments and People of the Caribbean Community to extend our best wishes for the well-being and prosperity of the Government and People of Cuba and to reiterate the Community’s commitment to the further strengthening and enhancement of the close bonds of friendship, cooperation, and solidarity which unite us.”

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