Elecciones generales en Granada


Lo que debe saber de las elecciones en Granada

Granada celebrará este 13 de marzo los comicios generales para elegir su nuevo Parlamento. El primer ministro Keith Mitchell aspira a mantenerse al frente del gobierno

Las más recientes encuestas perfilan a Keith Mitchel como el virtual ganador de las próximas elecciones.

En los comicios legislativos del 13 de marzo se elegirán a los 15 miembros del Parlamento, quienes posteriormente designarán al primer ministro del país caribeño.

Elecciones parlamentarias

Los principales partidos que compiten por el control del Parlamento son el gobernante Nuevo Partido Nacional (NNP por su sigla en inglés) de Keith Mitchell y el Congreso Nacional Democrático (NDC por su sigla en inglés), encabezado por Nazim Burke.

Otros partidos menores son el de centro-izquierda Movimiento Patriótico y el populista GULP, del ex primer ministro Eric Gairy.

Las elecciones generales se celebraron por última vez en febrero de 2013, cuando el NNP ganó los 15 escaños por segunda vez.

Granada cuenta con un Parlamento bicameral, que tiene una Cámara de Representantes, que cuenta con 15 escaños, electos por medio de elecciones, y un Senado, de 13 miembros, nombrado por el gobierno y la oposición.

La Constitución da a los ciudadanos el derecho de poder cambiar su gobierno de una forma pacífica. Además, ejercen este derecho en elecciones periódicas, libres y justas albergadas en el formato del sufragio universal.

Planes de Gobierno

El pasado 5 de marzo el primer ministro de Granada, Keith Mitchell, llamó a sus simpatizantes a votar por el futuro de la isla.

«Cuando el PNN salga victorioso el 13 de marzo y renovemos nuestro gobierno de este país ampliaremos el pacto social al involucrar a más partes interesadas en la toma de decisiones en nuestro país», dijo el primer ministro.

«Dentro de una semana y dentro de dos días votarán por la creación continua de empleos. También votarán por el desarrollo del sector agrícola», añadió Mitchell.

El candidato Nazim Burke anunció que si es elegido implementaría varias políticas que incluirían la reducción de varios impuestos, incluyendo reducir el impuesto a la propiedad en un 25 por ciento y al petróleo.

«Vengo a buscar su confianza real y genuina en la confianza de que si nos dan la oportunidad, haremos de Granada un lugar mejor para todos nuestros ciudadanos”, afirmó Burke.

La Comunidad del Caribe (CARICOM) ha desplegado una misión de observación electoral para supervisar los comicios en Granada.

En un comunicado, el organismo regional indicó que la misión fue organizada por la Secretaría de la CARICOM, a través de su Dirección de Relaciones Exteriores y Comunitarias, a raíz de una invitación del primer ministro de Granada.


¿Qué elige Granada el 13 de marzo?


Decision Day is Tuesday

Grenadians will vote Tuesday in their 8th general election since the island returned to the Parliamentary system of government following the 1979-83 non-elected leftist rule by the People’s Revolutionary Government (PRG) of executed Prime Minister Maurice Bishop.

The election will be a straight fight between the ruling New National Party (NNP) of 71-year old Dr. Keith Mitchell and the National Democratic Congress (NDC), led by Nazim Burke.

Both parties are fielding a full slate of 15 candidates while a token of smaller parties are putting up a limited number of candidates in the election.

A total of 78, 249 Grenadians are eligible to cast ballots in the highly anticipated 2018 poll.

However, 874 police officers will do early voting today (Friday) in order to allow them to be free to do active duties four days later on polling day to elect a new government for a 5-year term in office.

The Police Officers will vote at 15 police stations across the island which have been designated as polling stations and in constituencies where no police station exist, officers will vote at the respective Parliamentary Elections offices – St. Andrew South-west, St. Andrew North-west, St. George North-east, St. George North-west, and St. Mark.

Police Officers in the Town of St. George constituency will vote at Marryshow House on H. A. Blaize Street.

Police officers on the sister isle will cast their ballots at the Hillsborough Police Station in Carriacou.

The Parliamentary Elections Office has designated 237 polling stations on the Mainland for voting and 17 polling stations in Carriacou.

According to the Parliamentary Elections Office, the polls will open at 6.00 a.m. and close promptly at 5.00 p.m. on both days pf voting including the day set aside for law enforcement officers.

The 2018 poll is being contested by 45 candidates representing 8 political parties including a total of 45 candidates.

Two independent candidates are also in the race – former NNP government minister, Joslyn Whiteman (St. David) and John Fletcher (St. Andrew South-west.

Tuesday’s election is historic for Prime Minister Mitchell, who is seeking his fifth term in office.

The New Today

CARICOM election mission to Grenada conducts initial assessments

The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Election Observer Mission (CEOM) has conducted initial assessments and has met with key stakeholders as the March 13 General Elections in Grenada draws near.

The CEOM, led by Chief of Mission Ms. Pauline Welsh, Director of Legal Affairs, Development and Research, Electoral Office of Jamaica, met with the Supervisor of Elections, the Commissioner of Police as well as the Conference of Churches, the Chamber of Commerce, the Council for the Disabled and the Grenada National Organisation of Women, as it assesses the pre-election environment in the CARICOM Member State.

In a preliminary statement released on Friday, the Mission said it also paid a courtesy call on Dr. the Rt. Hon. Keith Mitchell, Prime Minister of Grenada and with Mr. Nazim Burke, Leader of the main opposition party, the National Democratic Congress. Meetings were also planned with other political parties and stakeholders to obtain an overview of the general atmosphere and their level of preparedness for the election.

According to the statement, the CEOM will continue to observe the pre-election period and the Election Day activities including the opening of the polls through to the tabulation and announcement of the results.

The CARICOM Election Observer Mission to Grenada includes nationals of The Bahamas, Barbados, Guyana, Jamaica, Saint Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname and Trinidad and Tobago, supported by two members of staff from the Secretariat.

See full Statement:




In a letter dated 3 January 2018, Dr. the Rt. Honourable Keith Mitchell, Prime Minister of Grenada, wrote to the Secretary-General of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), His Excellency Ambassador Irwin LaRocque, inviting CARICOM to mount an Election Observation Mission (CEOM) to Grenada.  In response to the invitation, the Caribbean Community mounted an eleven-member Election Observation Mission to observe the General Elections of Grenada scheduled for 13 March 2018.

The CEOM is headed by the Chief of Mission, Ms. Pauline Welsh, Director of Legal Affairs, Development and Research, Electoral Office of Jamaica.

Other members of the CEOM includes: –

  • Philip Turner – The Bahamas;
  • Dianna Greenidge – Barbados;
  • Gordon Clarke – Guyana;
  • Brendalyn Henry – Jamaica;
  • Kenya James – Saint Lucia;
  • Dora James – St. Vincent and the Grenadines;
  • Jennifer Van Dijk-Silos- Suriname; and
  • Ravi Ray Lochan, Trinidad and Tobago.

The CEOM is supported by Mr. Brian Bellevue and Ms. Serojnie Seetaram of the CARICOM Secretariat.

The role of the CEOM is to observe the electoral process, collect qualitative and quantitative information regarding the voting process and the results to facilitate the preparation of a Final Report on the General Elections of Grenada.

The Chief and support staff of the CARICOM Secretariat arrived in Grenada on 7 March 2018 while the remaining Observers arrived on 8 and 9 March 2018.  Since arrival, meetings were held with the Supervisor of Elections, the Leader of the National Democratic Congress and the Commissioner of Police.  The CEOM has also paid a courtesy call on Dr. the Rt. Honourable Keith Mitchell, Prime Minister of Grenada.

Additionally, the Chief of Mission and support staff has held meetings with key stakeholders including the Conference of Churches, the Chamber of Commerce, the Council for the Disabled and the Grenada National Organisation of Women to gather information and discuss issues that have emerged in the process.

Over the next few days, the Mission is planning to meet with other political parties and stakeholders in an effort to obtain an overview of the general atmosphere and level of preparedness for the election.

The CEOM will continue to observe the pre-election period and the Election Day activities including the opening of the polls through to the tabulation and announcement of the results.

Following the conclusion of the Election Day activities on 13 March 2018, a Preliminary Statement will be issued outlining the Mission’s initial assessment of the process. The Mission will thereafter collaborate in the preparation of a Final Report on the election for submission to His Excellency Ambassador Irwin LaRocque, Secretary-General of the Caribbean Community.

The CEOM is appreciative of the warm welcome which has been extended to the Mission by the People of Grenada and looks forward to the successful conclusion of the electoral process.



9 March 2018

Today Caricom

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