Barbados terminará el año con el mayor record de turistas de su historia


Barbados Predicts Visitor Record

For the first time in the history of the tourism business in Barbados, officials are predicting that they will finish the year with a record 600 000 visitors to the island.

Chairman of the Barbados Tourism Marketing Inc. (BTMI) and veteran hotel manager Alvin Jemmott offered the prediction yesterday in an interview with the Sunday Sun newspaper.

He said among the major drivers of this growth was the local industry’s increasing reliance on social media and new digital marketing avenues, “which take the conversation directly to the space where the people are talking”.

Jemmott said while the stepped-up conversation may in many instances still send prospective visitors back to the traditional third party marketers of the island, an increasing number of people were following the digital conversation and booking their holidays themselves.


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