Santa Lucía: Oposición investiga asesinatos por parte de las fuerzas de seguridad


The opposition United Workers Party (UWP) said if elected to office, within 100 days, it will reveal the terms of reference for an independent tribunal to deal with the IMPACS case.

Former National Security Minister and incumbent Chairman of the UWP, Guy Mayers, told a media conference on Thursday that the matter is a serious one and must be resolved.

Mayers said Saint Lucians must demonstrate commitment to the observance of law and order, human rights and the rule of law, and this is one major step in that direction.

The former minister noted that the major countries including France and the United Kingdom have already expressed its disappointment with the procrastination taken by the government on this issue.

Mayers indicated that closure is needed in the matter which has been lingering around for over four years. He said it is critical to resolve it because Saint Lucia will continue to loose foreign assistance.

But more importantly, Mayers said Saint Lucia is a sovereign state and it has an obligation to the people and counties with which it share close ties with to uphold the rule of law.

Mayers served as minister under the Stephenson King administration when the alleged extra judicial killings took place during a police operation dubbed – Operation Restore Confidence.

Santa Lucia News


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