Secretario General de Caricom insta al Caribe a mejorar la producción estadística para orientar el desarrollo económico


Secretary-General, Ambassador Irwin LaRocque, has urged Member States to invest in the improvement of the production of statistics to support and guide sustained Regional economic and social development.

He also commended statisticians in the Community for their efforts in the face of resource constraints that the Region was confronting.

In a message to mark Caribbean Statistics Day being observed this year on 15 October, the Secretary-General said “it is my wish that the theme of ‘Better Data, Better Lives’ for this year’s observance can assist in demonstrating that statistics is an integral part in ensuring an improved quality of life of the peoples of our Region.’

The observance of Caribbean Statistics Day seeks to raise the profile of statistics in the Community to create more awareness of its production, dissemination and use in decision-making.

This year also marks the Second Observance of World Statistics Day on 20 October 2015.

Caricom Today


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