Belice celebra el 40 aniversario de su independencia


Caricom felicita a Belice por aniversario 40 de su independencia

La secretaria general de la Comunidad del Caribe (Caricom), Carla Barnett, felicitó hoy a Belice por el aniversario 40 de su independencia.

Barnett envió un mensaje de congratulación al primer ministro Juan Antonio Briceño y elogió el compromiso de su Gobierno con las prioridades más urgentes de Caricom, incluida la promoción contra el cambio climático.

Elogió especialmente la movilización en este país de conocimientos especializados en el período previo a la Conferencia sobre el cambio climático (COP26) a efectuarse en noviembre en Glasgow, Escocia, y ponderó el liderazgo beliceño en asuntos de importancia para los estados insulares.

Belice fue colonia de Gran Bretaña hasta el 21 de septiembre de 1981, fecha en que logró su independencia.

El fin del colonialismo en la nación, conocida en aquellos tiempos como Honduras Británica, fue resultado de la lucha del padre fundador de la nación, George Price, y de la plataforma política que fundó y dirigió, el Partido del Pueblo Unido.

El País

Prime Minister John Briceño wishes Belize blessed 40th Independence Day

“My beautiful wife Rossana and I wish all Belizeans at home and abroad a blessed 40th anniversary of our Independence,” posted Prime Minister John Briceño while standing alongside his wife under a Belize National Flag.

“Join us this morning for our official ceremonies in Belmopan.”

“I encourage all to celebrate safely and peacefully, remembering to adhere to our Covid-19 protocols,” he noted.

Breaking Belize News

Opposition Leader Patrick Faber: ‘Will Belizeans regret new course in 40th year?’

Opposition Leader Patrick Faber has critiqued the first year of the John Briceño administration in the context of 40 years of independence with unsparing and dour precision.

He has said that many are regretting, like spurned lovers, turning to a new partner after 13 years dancing with the other.

Noting that many of us have never known a Belize other than we know now, the Collet area representative has called for a change in how we are governed, both in mindset and action.

Faber claims that our governmental and societal structures have fallen apart before our very eyes, because we have neglected to maintain them.

In the midst of the pandemic, Faber acknowledged, Belizeans turned to the then-Opposition People’s United Party to restore the flagging economy, deal with crime, to embrace hope. Ten months later, he charged, the favored few are getting fatter while Belizeans have lost their lines of support.

While the UDP accepted defeat gracefully, Faber pointed out, the ruling party has shown no conscience in cutting salaries of public servants, serving the economic masters and creating a nouveau rich group of millionaires, and authoritative figures making decrees from on high for the majority – while granting exceptions for the minority.

Faber called for a reset of the Government’s mission, addressing critical issues and avoiding misinformation and insulation.

The youngest of us must make our voices heard to tell the Government to change course and avoid further missteps, he said.

Breaking Belize News


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