Gobiernos del Caribe incrementan prevención y evalúan impacto en el turismo


Gobiernos de Caricom incrementan prevención ante la Covid-19

Gobiernos de la Comunidad del Caribe (Caricom) incrementan las medidas de prevención y vigilancia ante la amenaza del coronavirus Covid-19, que ya registra casos de infectados en más de 140 países.

Autoridades de Trinidad y Tobago, Jamaica, Bahamas, Santa Lucía y Bermuda limitan las entradas a sus países por vía marítima y aérea y adoptan medidas como el cierre de actividades educacionales, deportivas y culturales.

En suelo trinitense el primer ministro, Keith Rowley, restringió todo arribo a la nación durante los próximos 14 días, excepto los nacionales, y solo los buques de carga podrán atracar, pero las tripulaciones no podrán desembarcar.

Las escuelas y centros de aprendizajes permanecerán cerrados hasta el 20 de abril, enfatizan las autoridades.

Rowley convocó al pueblo de Trinidad y Tobago a evitar reuniones de más de 25 personas y varios subcomités del gabinete se centrarán en la educación, las finanzas y el impacto social de la Covid-19.

Por su parte, el primer ministro de Jamaica, Andrew Holness, anunció nuevas restricciones ante la confirmación en la isla de 12 infectados, con el propósito de contener la propagación de la nueva cepa del coronavirus SARS-CoV-2.

Las normativas para enfrentar el patógeno incluyen el trabajo desde casa durante siete días, ninguna reunión pública de más de 20 personas y los viajeros desde países con presencia de la Covid-19 deberán someterse a cuarentena durante dos semanas.

En este sentido, el primer ministro de Bahamas, Hubert Minnis, informó que los extranjeros que han estado en el Reino Unido o Europa en los últimos 20 días no podrán ingresar a territorio nacional.

Similares disposiciones de vigilancia y control sanitario se aplican en Santa Lucía y Bermuda y en el resto de los miembros de Caricom, bajo la guía de la Organización Mundial de la Salud y la Agencia del Caribe.

El nuevo coronavirus puede causar fiebre, tos, dificultad para respirar y, en casos graves, neumonía.

La propagación de la enfermedad comenzó en la urbe china de Wuhan, a fines del año pasado.

Prensa Latina

PM Harris, Caribbean Leaders Engage IMF On COVID-19 Impact, Outlook

On Monday, March 16, Prime Minister of St. Kitts and Nevis, Dr. the Honourable Timothy Harris, joined other leaders, Ministers of Finance and Central Bank Governors from across the region on a conference call with representatives of the Washington, D.C.-based International Monetary Fund (IMF) to discuss primarily the impact of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) on the economies of Caribbean countries.

St. Kitts and Nevis’ participation in this exercise formed part of the Government’s overall efforts to manage the fallout in the likelihood the novel coronavirus reaches the Federation and to bring onboard the expertise of all relevant stakeholders, whether nationally, regionally and internationally, in this regard.

The discussions centered on the topic, “Recent World Economic Developments, COVID-19 Impact and Outlook, and How the Fund can Help.” It was facilitated by Mr. Alejandro Werner, Director of the Western Hemisphere Department of the IMF.

In his contribution to the exercise, Prime Minister Harris indicated that St. Kitts and Nevis is the smallest independent state in the IMF’s western hemisphere division with very limited resources.

He further noted that, “Like most Caribbean states, we are heavily dependent on tourism; we have a small but important export manufacturing sector, and all of these are going to come under significant stress, and we would certainly rely upon the advice of the IMF to minimize the adverse impact.”

To date, there are no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in St. Kitts and Nevis.

Prime Minister Harris was supported in the meeting by his Cabinet colleagues Deputy Prime Minister, the Honourable Shawn Richards; Senior Minister the Honourable Vance Amory; the Honourable Ian Patches Liburd; the Honourable Lindsay Grant; the Honourable Eugene Hamilton and the Honourable Wendy Phipps.

Also present were Cabinet Secretary, Mrs. Josephine Huggins; Financial Secretary, Mrs. Hilary Hazel and Deputy Financial Secretary, Mrs. Sylvia Gumbs.

Today Caricom

Barbados confirma primeros casos de coronavirus

Barbados records first two cases of COVID-19

Minister of Health and Wellness Jeffrey Bostic has confirmed that Barbados recorded its first two cases of COVID-19.

Here is the full text of his statement:

Today I am advising the public that Barbados has recorded its first two cases of COVID-19.

The patients are a 48-year-old visitor who arrived in Barbados on March 13th from the U.S, and a 39-year-old female, a Barbadian who recently returned to Barbados from the U.S.

Both patients were experiencing symptoms of a viral infection and were referred to the team at the Ministry of Health and Wellness for further evaluation.

The Best-dos Santos Public Health Laboratory informed us early this morning that samples taken for these patients were positive. Both patients are being managed for COVID-19 and have been placed in isolation, where they will remain until they recover.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Health and Wellness has initiated the process of contact tracing to identify every individual who came in close contact with these patients. These persons will all be placed in quarantine for 14 days.

Our priority now as a Ministry is to ensure that COVID-19 is contained and to do all in our power to prevent in-country transmission. We are now in Stage 1 of our National COVID-19 Preparedness Plan where the primary focus is containment to prevent community spread.

We have decided on the following measures, which will be implemented with immediate effect.

• All public gatherings such as sporting and cultural events or any event that attracts crowds will be restricted to 100 persons.

• Visits by members of the public to all public and private geriatric institutions are suspended until further notice.

• Visits to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital are restricted to protect elderly patients as well as those suffering with non-communicable diseases.

• The Isolation Centre at Enmore has been stood up with six isolation beds and quarantine facilities are in place at the Paragon Base in Christ Church and the Elayne Scantlebury Centre, River Bay, St. Lucy. Additionally, quarantine and isolation facilities will be available at Harrison’s Point within weeks. • The Barbados Defence Force’s Field Medical Facility has also been set up to provide additional screening, quarantine and isolation services.

I wish to reiterate that our mission now is to prevent the spread of this viral illness in our country. We must all play our part by being vigilant about putting into practice the public health advice that you must now be very familiar with.

• Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly with soap and water; alternatively, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

• Practise social distancing, that is, maintain at least one metre or 3 feet between yourself and anyone who is visibly ill with who is coughing or sneezing.

• Avoid touching your mouth, eyes and nose.

• Cover your mouth and nose with tissue when you cough or sneeze or do so into your bent elbow

• If you have a fever, cough or difficulty breathing, especially if you were in an affected region within the previous 14 days or think you may have been in contact with someone who was, call your healthcare provider, the nearest polyclinic or the Ministry’s COVID-19 hotline for advice. The hotline’s number is 536-4500.

So once again, Barbados has recorded its first two cases of COVID-19 – a 48-year-old visitor to the island and a 39-year-old Barbadian female, both of whom came into the island from the United States. After experiencing symptoms, they were referred to the medical team at the Ministry of Health and Wellness for further evaluation and the Best-dos Santos Laboratory confirmed this morning that they both tested positive for the virus. They will remain in isolation until they recover.

As Minister of Health and Wellness in Barbados, I am committed to doing all in my power to protect the health and ensure the safety of every person resident here. I, therefore, want to assure the public that there is no need for panic. This is the time for vigilance and being our brother’s keeper.

Barbados Today


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