Primer ministro de San Vicente y las Granadinas llama a votar contra la reelección de Almagro en la OEA


Gonsalves leads campaign against re-election of OAS Secretary General

Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves is leading a campaign to ensure that Luis Almagro is not re-elected secretary general of the Organisation of American States (OAS) when elections are held early next year.

Gonsalves, during a call last Sunday, December 8 to the ‘Issues At Hand’ programme on We FM said he is encouraging all CARICOM leaders to vote against Almagro and disclosed that he had another candidate in mind for the position.

He had called the radio programme to congratulate the Dominica Labour Party (DLP) on their recent victory at the polls.

“My mother teach me good manners you know, so I’ll meet him, I’ll be friendly with him,” the Prime Minister said, noting that he has a cordial relationship with the OAS secretary-general.

But, Gonsalves said: “I don’t like what he’s done to the OAS and I don’t like how he’s seeking to implement a neoliberal agenda, don’t like it at all; so I have to fight against that in the interest of the people of St Vincent and the Grenadines and the region. I’m sorry. That is the position”.

Almagro has received much criticism from within CARICOM since February this year when he made a tweet implying that the next General Elections in Dominica might not be free and fair.

Dominica News


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