Guyana: la Corte de Justicia valida el voto de no confianza contra el presidente Granger


Chief Justice rules no confidence motion was valid

Chief Justice (ag)Roxanne George-Wiltshire on Thursday afternoon ruled that the no confidence motion, which was voted in the National Assembly last December, was carried.

The Chief Justice in her ruling, said that 33 persons are the majority of the elected Members of Parliament (MPs).

On the issue of dual citizenship, the Chief Justice also ruled that the vote of former APNU+AFC MP , Charrandass Persaud was valid even though he was occupying a seat in the National Assembly illegally or against constitutional provisions of the state.

Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs,Basil Williams subsequently applied for a stay of the judgement passed by the Chief Justice as well as a conservatory order for the government to remain in office until the appeals are heard.

The Attorney General told reporters that government “is going all the way ” as he noted that the case will be appealed all the way to the CCJ .”There is nothing to panic about or nothing to worry about,” he said.”We haven’t lost an election , we will go through the court system,” he said.

Williams reminded that in the Presidential Third term case , the Opposition received favourable judgement in the High Court and the Court of Appeal but later lost its case at the CCJ.

Guyana Chronicle


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