The Chancellor, Federico Thea, Enters Into a Cooperation Agreement With a Spanish University


The Chancellor, Federico Thea, Enters Into a Cooperation Agreement With a Spanish University

On the occasion of a visit to Spain in order to promote the internationalization of UNPAZ, UNPAZ, as per its Spanish acronym) Federico G. Thea, Chancellor of the National University of José C. Paz, and Santiago García Granda, Chancellor of the University of Oviedo, entered into a framework agreement on academic cooperation.

Among other things, this agreement will make possible the following actions: academic exchange between professors and students; research project development; joint production and exchange of research and teaching materials; arrangements for lectures, seminars and other similar activities.

Regarding this matter, Chancellor Thea asserted that “this agreement lets us get deeper internationalization relationships between both universities and, as a part of mobility projects, it will make possible to develop skills and capabilities to have our students and researcher professors integrated to new social and cultural backgrounds”.

Francisco Jose Borge Lopez, Vice-Chancellor of Extramural Studies of the University of Oviedo, participated in this meeting.