Caribe: Caricom crea comisión encargada del desarrollo humano en la región


CARICOM to launch human resource development commission

A Commission, charged with creating a human resource development strategy for the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), will be launched on May 12 in Barbados.

A CARICOM statement said that regional leaders at their 2014 Intersessional summit had taken the decision to establish the commission that comprises 17 specialists and other stakeholders in education and human resource development.

Its work is supported by the CARICOM Secretariat, as coordinator, and the Barbados-based Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), which is financing the establishment of a gender-responsive and socially inclusive CARICOM strategy for harmonised education reform.

“The Regional Education and Human Resource Development 2030 Strategy and Action Plan (the Regional HRD Strategy), which the Commission will shape, is intended to form the basis for converged action by Member States. It is expected that the Commission will also develop policy recommendations for education reform in CARICOM member states,” the statement added.

It said that the commission will also engage short-term expertise to collect and analyse data to inform the development of the strategy. It will also host two four-day Regional Education Sector Monitoring and Evaluation Meetings to promote ownership for, and build capacity in, monitoring and evaluation at the national level.

“Following the development of the strategy and action plan, the commission will be expected to operationalise the structure for coordinating, monitoring and reporting.”

Antigua Observer

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