Por primera vez, el Gobierno autoriza el cultivo de marihuana a una empresa privada


El Gobierno jamaiquino indicó que la compañía farmacéutica Timeless Herbal Care (THC) podrá producir marihuana localmente para fines de investigación y desarrollo, lo que responde a las aspiraciones de las autoridades locales de que Jamaica se identifique con el cannabis medicinal.

Esta es la tercera licencia que emite el Gobierno después de otorgarle permisos a dos centros educativos,la Universidad de West Indies y a la Universidad Tecnológica de Jamaica.

El ministro de Ciencia, Tecnología, Energía y Minería de Jamaica, Phillip Paulwell, hizo entrega del documento al presidente de THC, Courtney Betty, e indicó que el Gobierno espera que la entrega del permiso ayude a posicionar al país en la industria global que genera ingresos valorados en 1.000 millones de dólares anualmente.

THC es una compañía que desarrolla y manufactura productos medicinales derivados de plantas como la marihuana.

A mediados de abril, entró en vigor la enmienda a la Ley de Drogas Peligrosas de 1948, con lo que queda permitido cultivar y consumir marihuana en Jamaica siempre que sea con fines de investigación, medicinales o religiosos.

La nueva legislación despenaliza además la posesión de pequeñas cantidades de marihuana y el cultivo a nivel particular de hasta cinco ejemplares en una isla que, durante décadas, ha producido de forma ilegal grandes cantidades de cannabis o cáñamo, la planta de la marihuana, que es casi uno de sus símbolos nacionales, entre otros cambios.

Ultima Hora

Gov’t awards third ganja research licence

Canadian nutraceutical and pharmaceutical company, Timeless Herbal Care Limited (THC), which has operations in Jamaica, is the first private entity to be granted a ganja research licence by the Government.

The licence is the third to be issued, following similar awards to the University of the West Indies (UWI), and University of Technology (UTech)

The licence permits THC to cultivate ganja (marijuana) locally for research and development, in keeping with provisions outlined in the amended Dangerous Drugs Act.

Timeless Herbal Care Limited is now able to develop an international global brand for Jamaican medical marijuana, by incorporating state-of-the-art scientific applications and methodologies to conduct research on organic marijuana deemed of the highest quality.

This undertaking is expected to position the country to tap into the global industry, which generates an estimated US$1 billion in earnings.

The licence was formally presented by Science, Technology, Energy, and Mining Minister, Phillip Paulwell, to THC President and Chief Executive Officer, Courtney Betty, during a ceremony at the Petroleum Corporation of Jamaica (PCJ) building in New Kingston, on October 22.

In his address, Paulwell said the government, through the awarding of the licences, among other inputs, remains committed to positioning Jamaica as a global leader in medical marijuana research and development.

To this end, he encouraged THC to “move very quickly” in establishing facilities capable of conducting the level of research that will record significant outcomes.

Additionally, the Paulwell said while the ministry awaits the outcome of work being undertaken by the Cannabis Licensing Authority, “we anticipate, very soon, that the regulations will be in a position to be promulgated and that…you (THC) will move from research to commercial operations.”

Paulwell said while frequent updates are expected from the licensees, “we in the Ministry, through the National Commission on Science and Technology (NCST), and the Scientific Research Council (SRC), we (will be) monitoring…the institutions.”

In his remarks, Betty said his company is pleased to have been awarded the licence, pointing out that “we take our research and development very seriously.”

In this regard, he announced that former SRC Acting Executive Director, Hawthorne Watson, has been recruited to head THC’s local operations, adding that he will place “tremendous focus on research and development.”

Noting the significant foundations laid in the local nutraceutical and pharmaceutical industry, Betty said “we are glad to have an opportunity to play a role in developing the industry, (by) making sure we meet the proper standards (and) property control, (and by) carrying out clinical trials.”

Timeless Herbal Care Limited, which is a global entity, manufactures marijuana by-products designed to ensure safety, efficacy, and quality control for consumers.

Jamaica Observer

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