Universidades de Haití y Dominicana inaugurarán observatorio binacional sobre movimientos sociales, migraciones y medioambiente


A consortium of universities from Haiti and the Dominican Republic, will officially inaugurate at the end of July, a binational Observatory in Haiti, in order to contribute to sustainable socio-economic development of both countries by promoting cross-border dialogue and bilateral cooperation through ongoing analysis of issues: of migration, education, environment and trade.

Activities will be based on research, meetings, publications and training that will contribute to the regulation of relations between the citizens of both Nations.

This initiative will provide relevant and reliable information to better understand the social movements, political, economic and dynamics at the island, through systematic observation of bilateral relations, building a space of exchange between academic elites, technicians and civil society.

One of the immediate objectives of the observatory will be to produce tools to facilitate decision making and public policy formulation at the service of the Joint Bilateral Commission (CMB), with a broader perspective of encouraging a dynamic of research, exchanges, data productions capable of illuminating the articulations of bilateral relations and strengthening cooperation between the two countries, in a sustainable and constructive manner.

Sponsored by the European Union, the observatory consists of a consortium of universities :

For Haiti :
Quisqueya (Haiti), Notre Dame (Haiti) and the Episcopal University of Haiti (UNEPH)

For the Dominican Republic :
Universidad Acción Pro Educación y Cultura (APEC), la Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra (PUCMM), l’université Instituto Superior de Agricultura (ISA) and l’Universidad Pedro Henríquez Ureña (UNPHU)

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