Haití: Gobierno firma acuerdo con Venezuela para recibir capacitación en control de cara a las próximas elecciones


Haiti – Elections : Signing of a MoU between the CEP and Venezuela

Friday at the National Palace, the President Michel Martelly received the President of the National Electoral Council (CNE) of Venezuela, Ms. Tibisay Lucena Ramirez to discuss Venezuela’s expertise in electoral matters.

In the afternoon, at El Rancho hotel, a Memorandum of Understanding between the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) and the CNE of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, on cooperation between the two electoral institutions for technical assistance and training was signed by Pierre Louis Opont, the President of CEP and Mrs. Tibisay Lucena Ramirez.

Before initialling the agreement, Pierre Louis Opont, the President of the CEP declared «[…] We are on the eve of the signing of an agreement with the CNE, the Venezuelan Electoral Council on a set of contributions and support they will bring to the Provisional Electoral Council in terms of facilitation of understanding of the electoral system in general and technical support to the electoral training.

It is a long process that began with Venezuela, we already had the support of Venezuela in the 2010 elections, where they we had provided computers and advisers who had come to support us in Haiti.

We had had many technical exchanges with the CNE, who advised us on the implementation of the electoral process in progress, recently we were invited by the CNE in Venezuela http://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-13903-haiti-elections-a-delegation-of-the-cep-in-caracas.html and attending primary and view the technical performance of Venezuelan and mastery they have of the electoral process [voting, tabulation and publication of results fully electronic].

Especially since the electoral decree obliges us to improve the electronic capture of results in order to bring us towards electronic voting and in this context, Venezuela is an actor and a key partner in relation to the technical nature of their processes and compared their mastery of electronic voting […] we think through this collaboration, try step by step to improve the knowledge of the CEP before reaching the electronic voting […]

Today the two electoral institutions have addressed the needs of the CEP in terms of technical assistance, in terms of partnership with the CNE and the agreement of this afternoon will devote the agreement between our institution.»

Haití Libre

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