Barbados, Georgia Eye Formal Diplomatic Relations
Georgian Ambassador Otar Berdzenishvili recently paid a visit to Barbados, where he met with Barbados Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade Senator Maxine McClean to discuss the formal establishment of diplomatic relations between the countries.
Berdzenishvili informed the Minister of Georgia’s post-U.S.S.R. programs and policies, as well as its attempts to reach out to new countries with which it has not established connections.
He expressed interest in partnership with Barbados in the mutual interest of the countries’ education, law enforcement, anti-corruption, and global warming policies, offering to share the strategies and practices that his country has found successful, according to a Barbados government statement.
Senator McClean welcomed this potential relationship, saying that Barbados could learn a great deal from Georgia, particularly in regard to methods of expediting governmental transactions, in which Georgia has had success.
McClean said that the establishment of an e-governance system would have significant benefits for Barbados, and that the country has already been working on ways to progress in this area.