Dominicana: 240 mil extranjeros han regularizado su ilegalidad y Gobierno haitiano ya está listo para recibir ciudadanos deportados


El viceministro de Interior y Policía, Washington González, informó ayer que unos 240 mil extranjeros se han sumado al Plan Nacional de Regularización, con lo cual se han sobrepasado las expectativas del programa.

“Planteábamos que íbamos a llegar a 210 mil personas, pero se superó la proyección”, dijo González durante su intervención en el programa de radio Tu Derecho a Saber.

En el entorno de la sede del Ministerio de Interior y Policía, ubicado en el edificio de oficinas gubernamentales Juan Pablo Duarte, más conocido como El Huacal, continuaron ayer las aglomeraciones de extranjeros que esperaron las últimas semanas para someterse al proceso de registro del Plan Nacional de Regularización.

Los interesados se quejan de la lentitud en la recepción de casos, y acusan a los encargados de comercializar con las entradas.

Sin embargo, los supervisores de áreas destacan que durante la mayor parte del Plan la concurrencia fue baja. Los centros que se encuentran en el Gran Santo Domingo han visto multiplicarse la cantidad de interesados, duplicando en unas cuantas horas la cantidad de casos que procesaban anteriormente en un día.

González explicó que luego del plazo, todo aquel que se haya registrado, y aún le falte algún documento, no debe temer al vencimiento, porque tendrá 45 días más a partir de la fecha en que termina el plazo para completar el proceso en el que se le asignará un estatus migratorio.

El plan vence el próximo 17 de junio, cuando todas las oficinas trabajarán hasta las 7:00 p.m. El funcionario advirtió que, quienes no hayan depositado ningún tipo de documento o no se hayan inscrito, estarán en condición de ilegalidad, y serán deportados.

Diario Libre

Haiti – Politic : D-6, Dominican Republic ready for repatriation

In the Dominican Republic, preparations for the repatriation of people living in irregular migratory situation, not registered in the National Plan for Regularization of Foreigners (PNRE) appear to be ready.

José Ramón Fadul, the Dominican Minister of Interior and the Police indicated that as of June 18, 2015 «we will enforce the immigration laws of our country throughout the national territory.»

The Minister Fadul specified that these repatriations, that will not be in mass, but will be gradual and continuous concern not only persons of Haitian nationality but also foreign nationals from 23 other nationalities.

Concerning foreign nationalities other than Haitian, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs maintains communication with the various international embassies, on the possible return of some of their nationals in irregular situation who are not enrolled in the PNRE, on the issue of air tickets and appropriate mechanisms of travel for these foreigners and the support of embassies to their nationals.

The official conduct of these repatriations is not known in all its details. Jose Ricardo Taveras, then Director of Immigration, explained mid-August, to avoid any misunderstanding, that it will not be a hunting or persecution of people in an illegal situation. He said that no deportation will not be done within 24 hours, but it will be a sustained process over time, while respecting the dignity and respect for human rights «Initially, the foreign citizens who are in the country, will be invited to leave voluntarily. Secondly, if they do not leave voluntarily, through various mechanisms established by law, they will be returned to their country of origin.»

For his part José Ramón Fadul said that in cases of repatriations, they will be held daily between 6:00 am and 5:00 pm in the respect of human rights and signed agreements.

For the rest, many contradictory information impossible to confirm and countless rumors, do not allow to have a clear reading of these operations or deployment in the Dominican territory. Information that would normally be available in the coming days.

In the Dominican Republic, preparations for the repatriation of people living in irregular migratory situation, not registered in the National Plan for Regularization of Foreigners (PNRE) appear to be ready.

José Ramón Fadul, the Dominican Minister of Interior and the Police indicated that as of June 18, 2015 «we will enforce the immigration laws of our country throughout the national territory.»

The Minister Fadul specified that these repatriations, that will not be in mass, but will be gradual and continuous concern not only persons of Haitian nationality but also foreign nationals from 23 other nationalities.

Concerning foreign nationalities other than Haitian, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs maintains communication with the various international embassies, on the possible return of some of their nationals in irregular situation who are not enrolled in the PNRE, on the issue of air tickets and appropriate mechanisms of travel for these foreigners and the support of embassies to their nationals.

The official conduct of these repatriations is not known in all its details. Jose Ricardo Taveras, then Director of Immigration, explained mid-August, to avoid any misunderstanding, that it will not be a hunting or persecution of people in an illegal situation. He said that no deportation will not be done within 24 hours, but it will be a sustained process over time, while respecting the dignity and respect for human rights «Initially, the foreign citizens who are in the country, will be invited to leave voluntarily. Secondly, if they do not leave voluntarily, through various mechanisms established by law, they will be returned to their country of origin.»

For his part José Ramón Fadul said that in cases of repatriations, they will be held daily between 6:00 am and 5:00 pm in the respect of human rights and signed agreements.

For the rest, many contradictory information impossible to confirm and countless rumors, do not allow to have a clear reading of these operations or deployment in the Dominican territory. Information that would normally be available in the coming days.

Haití libre

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