Diecisiete ministerios discuten sobre recursos marítimos y seguridad alimentaria


High-level meeting of Caribbean fisheries ministers to be held in Grenada

Fisheries ministers from member states of the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) are expected to sign off on the declaration on spiny lobster by way of a resolution, when they convene the ninth meeting of the ministerial council of the CRFM on Friday in St George’s, Grenada.

The non-binding declaration establishes a roadmap for closer cooperation among the 17 CARICOM/CRFM states to ensure long-term conservation and sustainable use of the lobster resources.

The feature address will be delivered by Roland Bhola, minister of agriculture, lands, forestry, fisheries and the environment, Grenada, who will assume the chairmanship of the Council on the occasion of the meeting from Johnson Drigo, minister of agriculture and fisheries, Dominica.

Milton Haughton, executive director of the CRFM Secretariat in Belize, said: “This is another important policy-level meeting of the CRFM Member States as they seek to strengthen cooperative arrangements, to realize the full development potential of the fisheries and aquaculture sector in the region.

“Our vision and long-term goal is to transform the region’s fisheries and aquaculture into sustainable systems, in order to optimize the sector’s contribution to food and nutritional security, improved livelihoods and wealth generation, through the application of science and technology, good governance, and inclusive, sustainable development strategies.”

When they meet this Friday, the Caribbean fisheries ministers will be reviewing the progress being made in the implementation of existing policy instruments and programs. In charting the way forward, they will also make decisions on the next steps in the transformation process.

High on their agenda will be the endorsement of the process now underway to develop the plan of action to facilitate the implementation of the Caribbean Community common fisheries policy (CCCFP).

The fisheries ministers will also discuss an initiative recently announced by the government of the United States during the Caribbean Energy Summit on climate risk insurance for the Caribbean fisheries sector. This is in line with efforts to achieve climate smart food security (CSFS) using a risk insurance facility (RIF).

Finally, the ministerial council will receive a full report on the outcome and recommendations of the 13th meeting of the Caribbean Fisheries Forum, held in St George’s, Grenada, at the end of March this year.

The ministerial council of the CRFM is the arm of the CRFM that has primary responsibility for determining the policies of the organisation, resource allocation, cooperative agreements, and related decision-making.

Caribbean News Now

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