Con el 78% de los votos escrutados, la oposición saca una mínima ventaja


With 78.67% of votes counted: APNU/AFC – 157,347, PPP/C – 157,306

The Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) Wednesday night released just over 78% of the votes showing the opposition coalition A Partnership for National Unity- Alliance For Change leading the PPP/C by a slim 43 votes margin.

At its sixth press conference since Monday GECOM shared that after verifying 1,809 Statements of Polls (SOPs) out of the 2,999, the APNU had managed to accumulate 157, 347 votes while the PPP followed closely behind with 157, 304. However, in the regional polls, the PPP/C is leading the APNU+AFC, acquiring some 146, 804 votes while the APNU+AFC had 146, 250.

According to Chief Elections Officer of GECOM, Keith Lowenfield, there were still 490 Statements of Polls to be processed and this would have been done over the course of Wednesday evening, paving the way for a possible announcement of results early today.

However, Lowenfield said that the PPP/C had asked for a recount in all of the regions and this was still being discussed by the Commission. He did not say whether this will be agreed to and if it will affect the release of the results today. In the meantime he said that recounts were undertaken and completed in regions1 and 2 and a decision is still to be made on Regions 8. The PPP/C had initially asked for recounts in these three regions the PPP/C, but later expanded it to all the other regions.

While the Elections body has managed to count 48 of 49 ballot boxes in Region 8 despite the inclement weather, it could not finish the Region 4 ballots, being able only to check and verify 474 out of the 891. For the regional elections, in Region One, out 95, 85 SOPs were checked, with the incumbent party snagging 5453 votes even as the APNU+AFC received 2380 and the United Force (TUF) 83 while Region Two, 135 out of 138 SOPs, one of the PPP’s strongholds, saw the PPP/C receiving 15,679 even as the APNU+AFC managed 6967, TUF 51 and the United Republican Party (URP) 72 while in Region Three APNU+AFC garnered 18,711 while the PPP/C received 37, 905, TUF 107 and URP 137.

In Region Four, while this is the most accessible to the Elections body only 474 out of 891 boxes were counted and verified, resulting in the PPP/C acquiring 29,635 with APNU+AFC taking the lead with 63,383, TUF 206, URP 240, Healing the Nation Theocracy Party (HTNTP) 182 and Organisation of the Victory of the People (OVP) 220.
Region 5 (93 out of 158 SOPs) saw the APNU+AFC receiving 7800 of the cast regional ballots while the PPP/C took 7972, TUF 32 and URP 41.

In Region 6 (353 out of 374 SOPs), 20,691 of the ballots went to the APNU+AFC, 36, 907 to the PPP/C, 129 to the TUF and 1954 to the URP.

Cuyuni Mazaruni, Region 7 (73 out of 74 SOPs) gave the APNU+AFC 4516 votes, the PPP/C 2972, TUF 175 and the URP 59 while Region 8 spoke, giving the PPP/C 1837, the APNU+AFC 1791, TUF 48 and URP 39.

Region 9, (63 out of 63 SOPs) cast 5764 votes in favor of the PPP/C, 3553 for the APNU+AFC, 140 for the TUF and 66 for URP.

In Region 10 (125/ 127), a PNC stronghold gave the coalition 16, 458 votes while the PPP/C 2680, TUF 101 and URP 103.

On the other hand, in the General elections, in Region One (86 out of 95 SOPs) the APNU/AFC pulled 2414 votes, the PPP/C 5516, TUF 54 and URP 12 while in Region Two (135 out of 138) saw PPP leading with 15,664, APNU+AFC following with 7135m TUF 49, URP 27, National Independent Party (NIP) 17 and Independent Party (IP) 7.

Neighbouring Region Three (310/ 327) gave the APNU+AFC coalition 19,694, the PPP/C 37,951, TUF 100, URP 52, 236 went to the NIP and 41 to the IP.

Region Four (615/891 SOPs), the region which will ultimately be the deciding factor for the two parties, gave the lead to the APNU+AF with 77, 296 votes, the PPP/C with 46, 117, TUF 189, URP 79, NIP 80 and the IP managed to pull 150.

Region Five( 61/ 158) also gave the lead to the APNU+AFC, providing them with 6382 votes, 4225 to the PPP/C, 11 to the TUF, 7 to the URP, 14 to the NIP and 6 to the IP.

Region 6 (352/ 374), lived up to its status as a PPP/C stronghold, giving 36,829 votes to that party, 20897 to the APNU+AFC, 335 for the TUF, 69 for the URP, 44 to the NIP and 34 to the IP.

Region Seven (9/74) divided its votes between the PPP/C 587, the APNU+AFC 1309 and the TUF 6 while Region 8 gave APNU 1837, PPP/C 1836 and TUF 48.

Region 9 spoke in favour of the PPP/C by giving that party 5794 of the votes, 3592 to the APNU+AFC and 131 for the TUF even as Region 10 declared their support for the coalition by giving it 16, 791. The PPP/C however received 2785, TUF 90, URP 38 and IP, 38.


Meanwhile, the APNU+AFC Coalition said that it is immensely disappointed and alarmed by GECOM’s selective announcement of results at its press conference Wednesday night.

The party said that from the results announced it is obvious to the APNU+AFC Coalition that GECOM “is cherry picking Statements of Poll to report on, in order to create an illusion of a close race. This is being specifically done by excluding Statements of Poll from Region 4 where the Coalition has established a significant lead. Of a total of 891 SoPs in Region 4, GECOM deliberately chose to report on only 474, leaving 417 unreported. We can find no acceptable reason for excluding such a large number of SoPs from Region 4 in the announced results.”

The party said that the announcements made by GECOM are irresponsible, reckless and provocative and appear designed to cause confusion and discord among Guyanese who are already in a state of anxiety and unease noting that it was further appalled that GECOM reneged on a solemn commitment to announce 94% of the results on Wednesday evening.

That commitment it said was made by the GECOM commissioners to an APNU+AFC delegation led by the Presidential Candidate Brigadier David Granger. Instead GECOM announced 78% of the results while deliberately excluding large numbers of SoPs from Region 4.

However, the APNU+AFC has called on all supporters and the Guyanese public to remain calm and not be provoked by these irresponsible announcements from GECOM. “We remain confident that the Coalition has established an unassailable lead and will form the next Government of Guyana,” it said.

Guyana Times

Guyana Elections Results 2015 – Preliminary

These are preliminary results as provided by the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM).  Updates will be made as more results come in from the ten administrative regions. Final results will only be available when all Statements of Poll have been processed by GECOM.

Percentage of Polling Stations Processed:  ~78%

PPP/CAPNU+AFCTUFIPNIPURPPPP/CAPNU+AFCTUFIPNIPURP050000100000150000200000Political PartiesVotes processed so far

PPP/C 157304
APNU+AFC 157347
TUF 1013
IP 276
NIP 391
URP 329

Total Votes by Region

Region PPP/C APNU+AFC TUF IP NIP URP Total Processed
Region 1  5,516  2,414  54  0  0  12  7,996  86/95
Region 2 15,664  7,135  49  7  17  27  22,899  135/138
Region 3  37,951  19,694  100  41  236  52  58,074  310/327
Region 4  46,117 77,296  189  150  80  79  123,911  615/891
Region 5  4,225  6,382  11  6  14  7  10,645  61/158
Region 6  36,829 20,897 335  34  44  69  58,208  352/374
Region 7  587  1,309  6  0  0  0  1,902  9/74
Region 8  1,836  1,837  48  0  0  16  3,737  48/49
Region 9  5,794  3,592  131  0  0  29  9,546  66/66
Region 10  2,785  16,791  90  38  0  38 19,742  127/127
Total (2015 Prelim.)  157,304 157,347  1,013  276  391  329  316,660  1809/2299
Total (2011 Final)  166,340  175,011  885  0  0  0  342,126

National Assembly Seat Allocations

Balance of Power

The National Assembly has a total of sixty-five (65) seats.  Twenty-five (25) seats are elected from the ten (10) regions and forty (40) are allocated from a national ‘top up’ constituency using the LR-Hare Formula.

Thirty-three (33) seats are required for a majority.

(will be updated when official results are released)


Task Seats

Seat allocations by region

National Top Up
Region 1
Region 2
Region 3
Region 4
Region 5
Region 6
Region 7
Region 8
Region 9
Region 10
Total (2015)  
Total (2011)  32 33*  0  0  65

* – APNU and AFC contested separately in the 2011 General Elections.  In 2015, they are a coalition.

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