Se lanza en Granada proyecto estadístico del Caribe


Grenada to host launch of regional statistical project

A new initiative aimed at strengthening the statistical system of the Caribbean in order to address identified gaps to improve socio-economic measures will be launched here on Monday.

The CAD$19.5 million (One Canadian dollar =US$0.79 cents) “Project for the Regional Advancement of Statistics in the Caribbean (PRASC)” is funded by the Canada government.

The launch will be attended by the directors of Statistics and Chief Statisticians from 15-member Caribbean Community (CARICOM) grouping as well as the Guyana –based CARICOM Secretariat and other regional and international organizations involved in advancement of statistics in the region.

The main aim of the seven year project is to strengthen the statistical system of the Caribbean in order to address identified gaps to improve socio-economic measures and support evidence-based policy making.

The Caribbean community has identified some statistical gaps in both social and economic statistics, which make it difficult for policy makers to make informed decisions that benefit their countries and the region. The gaps also make it difficult to monitor key development measures in the areas of economic growth, poverty, health, education, and migration.

Through the PRASC, Statistics Canada intends to work with the National Statistical Offices (NSO) of the 14 eligible CARICOM countries and in collaboration with other organizations active in the region to develop methods and approaches that can eventually be used by the statistical system of all Caribbean countries.

An official statement issued here said that the initiative will focus on four components namely enhancing the Systems of National Accounts, improve business statistics by working on a robust business survey infrastructure, improve household statistics, including sex-disaggregated socio-economic indicators, by working on a robust survey infrastructure for household surveys; and improve sharing of statistical information and expertise at the national and regional levels.

“PRASC will take a “learning by doing” phased approach, through a logical progression from knowledge sharing/training, to adaptation and testing of the newly acquired best practices and tools, to national implementation, and, finally, to regional sharing,” the statement added.

Antigua Observer

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