El Caricom evalúa incorporación de Martinica como miembro pleno del organismo


CARICOM SG holds wide-ranging talks with Martinique delegation

Secretary-General of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), Ambassador Irwin LaRocque, met on Wednesday 21 January 2015 with a delegation from Martinique, which is one of five Caribbean territories which have applied for Associate Membership of CARICOM.

The delegation from the Regional Council of Martinique comprised Ms. Christiane Mage, President of the European Affairs and Cooperation Commission, Dr. Jean Crusol, President of the Economic Affairs Commission and Mr. Jean Yves Lacascade, Director for European Affairs and Cooperation. Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Curacao and Sint Maarten are the other territories seeking Associate Membership.

The wide-ranging discussions focused on the operations of CARICOM, the terms and conditions of Associate Membership and the general interest of Martinique in regional cooperation in the Caribbean. This meeting with the Secretary-General follows on a previous meeting with a delegation from Curacao in November 2014. Meetings with the other candidate territories are planned.

Caricom Today

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