Suriname to build modern tram network
President Bouterse’s grand promise to the people of Suriname to build a modern tram from Paramaribo to the Johan Pengel International Airport is closer to reality after a Dutch company, Strukton Systems, which last year did a feasibility study for the government, presented its findings on Wednesday in Paramaribo.
For now, the plan is to link the capital and, later, to extend the network to the international airport in Zanderij, especially that the congestion on the highway to the Para District has grown out of control and traffic jams has become a daily ordeal for people and especially schoolchildren.
According to the Suriname Herald, the project will cost 130 million Euros, financed by ING bank. Some of the 150 employees of a railroad company will receive training in the Netherlands.
However, this was not disclosed by Eddy Jozefzoon advisor to the president on Wednesday. He did not elaborate on information about the cost, schedule or other technical details of the plan.
This will soon be announced by President Bouterse when he presents the plan to the country according to Strukton’s CEO, Lex Van Seventer.
Suriname had a rail that linked the capital to the interior of the country, to the Brokopondo District and which was built by the Dutch between 1903 and 1912. It transported people and cargo but closed in the 1980s.
Strukton Systems is a reputable global company that is currently involved in various projects around the world.
Last year, the company was awarded a contract by the Saudi Arriyadh Development Authority (ADA) to construct three of the six lines of a completely automatic and driverless metro system in Riyadh. The total contract value amounts to €6 billion. Strukton’s share represents almost €1.0 billion.
“Our experienced team has been involved in numerous tunnel projects, civil works and has broad knowledge in the field of rail systems. We are pleased to have been selected by the city of Riyadh to support this major project to make public transport an attractive option,” said Jos Hegeman, director of Strukton Civiel.