Caricom realizará talleres regionales sobre medio ambiente y tecnologías de la información


Environment, ICTs focus at Statistics workshops 

The Environment and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) will be the focus of separate workshops that will be held in St.Vincent and the Grenadines in early April.

The workshops, hosted by the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Secretariat will deal with statistics and indicators in both sectors, and are funded by the European Union (EU) under the Tenth European Development Fund (10th EDF), CARICOM Single Market and Economy (CSME) and Economic Integration Programme.

The two-day CARICOM Workshop on Environment Statistics will be convened in collaboration with the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) on 7 April, 2014 in Kingstown.

The forum will bring together a cross-section of Member States to review the Environment Statistics and Indicators submitted to the CARICOM Secretariat focusing on thematic areas with significant data gapsOne of the main areas of focus will be the comparability of data as efforts continue to harmonise environment statistics. It is expected that participants will be able to share their country experiences in environment data collection, compilation and dissemination, and establish a network of environment statisticians among Member States.

The second CARICOM Workshop on the Development of Caribbean Specific Information and Communication Technologies Statistics and Indicators will be held 9-11 April, 2014, also in Kingstown. It will explore Caribbean specific ICT themes, indicators amd metadata in areas such as poverty alleviation, agriculture, the environment, information literacy, governance, security and health.

Participants will also receive an update on the Regional Digital Development Strategy and the role statistics will play in it.

This would be the second CARICOM Workshop on the Development of Caribbean Specific Information and Communication Technologies Statistics and Indicators.

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