Islas Turcas y Caicos: liberan bajo fianza al ex primer ministro extraditado desde Brasil


Michael Misick Released on Bail

Former Turks and Caicos Premier Michael Misick was released on conditional bail by the Turks and Caicos Supreme Court on Monday.

Misick, who faces charges of conspiracy to receive bribes, conspiracy to defraud government and money laundering for actions during his time in office, will appear at a sufficiency hearing in court on Friday, March 7.

Misick initially applied for bail when he returned to TCI last week but was rejected; his application was accepted on appeal in the Turks and Caicos Supreme Court.

He is one of 12 defendants facing charges related to the high-profile corruption scandal that led to the suspension of democratic government in the Turks and Caicos Islands in 2009, following a Commission of Inquiry by Sir Robin Auld.

He returned to TCI after being extradited from Brazil, where he eventually fled and was arrested following the scandal.

The terms of Misick’s bail have not been made public.

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