Presentan al primer embajador de Israel en la CARICOM


Israel’s First Ever Ambassador To CARICOM Presents His Credentials

Secretary General of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Ambassador Irwin LaRocque, on Tuesday said he looked forward to the development of a more structured and formal mechanism for cooperation between Israel and CARICOM.

He made this statement during a ceremony at the CARICOM Secretariat headquarters, Turkeyen, Guyana, where Ambassador to CARICOM from Israel Amiram Magid presented his credentials. Ambassador Magid is the first Israeli Ambassador to CARICOM.

In his remarks, Ambassador LaRocque said he was convinced that the new Ambassador’s record as a fully engaged and diligent diplomat will serve to further enhance relations between Israel and CARICOM.

“CARICOM has much to gain and learn from Israel and, as in any meaningful partnership, I am sure that Israel has much to learn from the Caribbean Community” he said.

According to the Secretary General there were two important areas in which CARICOM could benefit from a strengthened relationship at the regional level: Protected Agriculture and Water Management. He said CARCOM welcomed the opportunity to begin discussions in that regard.

Ambassador LaRocque thanked the Israeli Ambassador for his country’s contribution to the Permanent Memorial for the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave trade being spearheaded by CARICOM. He also used the opportunity to draw the new Ambassador’s attention to what he referred to as a call being sounded by the Region’s leaders for attention to be paid to the issue of reparations for the consequences of slavery.

Other priority areas outlined by the Secretary General included the issues of Non- Communicable Diseases, the Arms Trade Treaty, and the inclusion of disabled persons on the Post 2015 Development Agenda.

The Israeli Ambassador in his remarks said his country has always sought partnership and cooperation with all nations. He said as a small modern state his country understood the needs of the CARICOM Member States and “stands ready to share its experience with them.

He said he was no stranger to the region since he has previously served in seven other Caribbean countries since 2010.

“I very much hope that I will be able to add another dimension to Israel’s engagement with the region. I hope to enhance our work in a variety of areas the political, the commercial and the development of cooperation spheres” he said.

Photo Caption:  CARICOM Secretary General Ambassador Irwin LaRocque and Israeli Ambassador Amiram Magid raise their glasses in a toast after the newly appointed Israeli Ambassador presented his letters of credence the Ambassador LaRocque.

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