Países del Caribe discuten políticas de turismo en la región


Discussing Caribbean tourism

Caribbean and international tourism officials will hold two days of discussions on a wide range of issues affecting the regional tourism industry as the Barbados-based Caribbean Tourism Organization(CTO)’s State of the Industry Conference (SOTIC) opens here later on Wednesday night.

The two-day conference in this French-Caribbean island will be addressed by  several dignitaries, including Serge Letchimy, the Congressman to the French Assembly and President of the Regional Council of Martinique; Tourism Commissioner, Karine Roy-Camille and the CTO chairman Beverly Nicholson-Doty.

Nicholson-Doty has already indicated that the conference at which delegates are expected to critically discuss issues such as training and education, service quality, standards, visitor satisfaction, and regional transportation, will provide an opportunity for creative solutions to the challenges facing the sector.

“Strong inter-sectoral linkages with industries such as agriculture, construction and the financial services sector, for example, place additional responsibility on all of us in tourism to emerge from this conference with a stronger plan for a more sustainable and more resilient tourism sector,” she said in a statement ahead of the official opening.

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