Diputados haitianos piden al Congreso cancelar fallo contra migrantes


Varios diputados haitianos enviaron una carta al Congreso Nacional donde consideran que el Tribunal Constitucional (TC), ha tomado una decisión “absurda, indigna y anti convencional” en contra de los ciudadanos haitianos, por lo que pidieron que la medida sea derogada.

Según una carta publica en el periódico  haitiano “Le Nouvelliste” firmada por el presidente del grupo de diputados haitianos, Sadrac Dieudonné; los legisladores de Haití pidieron al Estado dominicano crear una ley que declare como nula la decisión de la alta corte de retirar del país a los hijos de  inmigrantes haitianos.

A pesar de que los legisladores piensan que el pueblo dominicano ha mostrado generosidad y tolerancia con los extranjeros, descartan la posibilidad de que la sentencia del TC sea el común deseo de la ciudadanía dominicana, por lo que entienden que el fallo constituye una protección ética a los dominicanos.

Igualmente, considetran que el TC debe ser garante del ordenamiento jurídico nacional y un eslabón en la toma de decisiones que beneficien la dignidad humana.

Además, los diputados haitianos indicaron que la alta corte violó el artículo 15 de la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos referente al derecho a la nacionalidad, el cual plantea:

Toda persona tiene derecho a la nacionalidad.

Toda persona tiene derecho a adquirir la nacionalidad del Estado en cuyo territorio nació, sino tiene derecho a otra nacionalidad.

Nadie podrá ser arbitrariamente privado de su nacionalidad ni del derecho a cambiar de la misma.




Guyana se suma a las críticas por el fallo contra migrantes en Dominicana

Guyana supports Haiti’s call for Dominican Republic nationality for undocumented migrants

GUYANA on Tuesday registered its “deep concern” over the refusal by The Dominican Republic to grant nationality status to citizens born to illegal Haitian migrants.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a press statement said that it has “registered its deep concern over the “indiscriminate ruling which stipulates that children born in The Dominican Republic of undocumented migrants, who have been in The Dominican Republic and registered as citizens of The Dominican Republic as far back as 1929, cannot have Dominican nationality as the parents would be considered as ‘in-transit’.”

“This decision could result in the loss of nationality of an estimated 210,000 citizens of The Dominican Republic of Haitian descent. This is a violation of the human and political rights of these citizens and the impact of the implementation of this ruling could be catastrophic.
“Guyana encourages The Dominican Republic to give serious consideration regarding the application of this ruling in view of the valued contribution made by these persons to the development of The Dominican Republic and more so in safeguarding their human rights,” Guyana’s Foreign Ministry said.
In this light, the Government of Guyana is calling on the “relevant authorities of The Dominican Republic to respect the right to nationality and international human rights principles.”

Moreover, “Guyana stands in solidarity with its sister CARICOM Member State of Haiti in support of its efforts to build international consensus against this inhumane ruling.”

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett on Tuesday was briefed at Takuba Lodge by Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Haiti Pierre-Richard Casimir on the recent ruling of the Constitutional Court of The Dominican Republic and its implications for the citizens of The Dominican Republic of Haitian descent.

Minister Casimir was accompanied by Ambassador Guy Alexandre, Consultant and former Ambassador of Haiti to The Dominican Republic, Mr Jean Claude Cenatus, Member of the Cabinet of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Mrs Marie Helene Sandra Tybule.



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