Congreso jamaiquino aprueba resolución que pide a EEUU el fin del bloqueo a Cuba


Jamaica supports motion calling for removal of US embargo on Cuba

Members of Parliament have once again passed a resolution in support of the United States trade embargo on Cuba being lifted.

The resolution, presented earlier this week by Industry Minister, Anthony Hylton  stated that last year 188 member states of the United Nations, including Jamaica, voted in favour of  ending the embargo.

The resolution also said “Although the US does not see Cuba today as a threat to its national security, it still upholds the embargo.”

Members of the lower house agreed that the block on Cuba is not only in violation of  international law, but is also counter to international human rights law, which prohibits any embargo on raw materials for food or medicine.

“In 2013 we believe that this continued act of aggression against Cuba and the Cuban people is overdone, it’s an abuse of power and it threatens the peace and security of the region, and in that sense, it is of continuing concern to the Government and people of Jamaica, the entire region and indeed the world. We seek to have a region of peace, a region of  tranquility and a region of progress. That region, however defined, cannot be  drawn to exclude the state of Cuba” Hylton said.

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